Sunday, November 30, 2008

Objectives of SaveTheHills

Objectives of STH

  1. To work towards prevention , mitigation and management of landslides hazards in the Darjeeling and Sikkim Himalayas.

  2. To develop and enhance public and govt awareness of the causes, effects of landslides through all means possible and thereby reduce disaster risk through hazard awareness.

  3. To conceive of and implement capacity building measures to the extent possible in order to make the community more resilient to landslide disasters.

  4. To monitor/report and visit landslide areas so as to create a database on landslides in the Darjeeling and Sikkim Himalayas (with the possible causes of landslides).

  5. To monitor rainfall through satellite based reports and other means so as to alert communities of the threat of possible landslides.

  6. To liaise with GSI and other scientific agencies during surveys so as to provide assistance and accurate local knowledge inputs.

  7. To network with other NGOs and govt agencies so as to increase knowledge about landslides and earthquakes.

  8. To participate in and organize workshops with a view to enhance disaster education about landslides and earthquakes.

  9. To participate in relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction work to the extent possible after landslides/earthquakes.

    praful rao


Unknown said...

Hill land slide is major problem in development but if given due regards of nature and propercare taken for development then slides can be mitigated.
Chief Engineer
Expert Disasater Mitigation

Unknown said...

Hill land slide is major problem in development but if given due regards of nature and propercare taken for development then slides can be mitigated.
Chief Engineer
Expert Disasater Mitigation