On 07Sep07, Aiman Subba aged 34yrs was with his parents and wife at his home in Seokbir Khani- Kalimpong subdivision. It had been raining incessantly for the past week and at around 0930hrs, he noticed the land above his home crumbling towards his kitchen. He raised the alarm and shouted that a landslide was coming; he and his wife ran out to safer ground .
His father, a poor farmer ran to the goat shed in bid to take the few goats he had with him; his wife tried to help him...
the delay proved fatal
the mountain above the house came crashing down on the goat shed, killing the couple instantaneously.
I met a grim faced Aiman Subba and his wife in a tiny, smoke-filled kitchen cum bedroom of their relative's house. He has lost at least half of his 3 acre paddy field to the landslide, his house is a rickety mess of wood and mud (which the slide brought in) and he has no job.
praful rao
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