Saturday, June 10, 2023

STH activities in early Jun2023.


Commencing 02Jun2023, four IIT (Mandi) students are interning with SaveTheHills for around a month, so our activities have been interwoven with their training schedule.
For their benefit as well as for the students of Cluny Women's College, Kalimpong, we asked renowned academic Prof Sarah Besky of Cornell University (who was Kalimpong for her own research work) to talk about the 'Impact of tourism on Rural Communities'

05Jun2023: World Environment Day (Theme: Solutions to Plastic Pollution)

Along with AIWC (Kalimpong Branch) we organized an awareness program in DISHA Center, Kalimpong:


07Jun2023: Study tour to the NHPC's Teesta Low Dam Project III with 11 students (of IIT - Mandi and Siliguri College)

My thanks to Prof Besky, Cluny Women's College, AIWC (Kalimpong) and NHPC for making the events memorable.

Praful Rao
Kalimpong district
Darjeeling Sikkim Himalaya

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