14th mile in Kalimpong is another of those areas which people rather fatalistically categorize as “always was a sinking area”.
The question today is that with the number of such sinking areas increasing in the vicinity of Kalimpong town can we afford this apathy?
Here is a list of sinking areas around town that I know of
a) Chibo and GREF area
b) Sindebung
c) 14 - 16th Mile area
d) Several sections of the road from Teesta to Kalimpong (4 -5th mile area)
e) Sangsay Phatak and Dalapchand
f) Some parts of 11mile area
g) and now some parts of 12 mile area
Here are some more sinking areas slightly away from Kalimpong town
a) Algarah (Mirik) area
b) Seokbir Khani
c) Some parts of Pedong (Kagey road)
I am sure many of my friends from Kalimpong will be able to add to this list.
The point is, take away all these areas from the map of Kalimpong and what is left?
Even a cursory look at the 14th mile area revealed that our jhoras (mountain streams) have a big role to play in the instability of the land mass there. Besides this there is also Relli river gnawing at the heels of the mountain and pulling all of 14th mile and the adjoining areas directly above 14th mile into the Relli valley.
Can something be done about these sinking areas?
Or will we just sit by and watch our mountains disappear?
praful rao
1 comment:
Dear Praful,
I had previously written that Himalayan Darpan was covering the land-slip issue with good amount of concern. Yesterday savethehills made it to the Front Page news. Anyway, it seems that the District Magistrate will visit Kalimpong after the Dusherra festivities and it would be not just nice but appropriate if you and some other friends are embedded in the tour of the disaster areas.
It was surprised to read that the folks at Alainchikhop capitulated to the promises doled out by our local politicians. The netas can only fulfill the guarantees if they win the forthcoming elections and with the current political upheavals that seems to be a very difficult proposition: and so the promises will be nothing more than kholako panima padayko. I love the classic definition of a politician by THE master politician, Sir Winston Churchill, who said that a politician is that person who has “the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and the next year and to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.” So there goes the promises! Even if these natas win the elections they will eventually have to go to the DM for funds, relief and lands for relocation. The axis, the pivot and the fulcrum is the DM and I am even more surprised that your name does not appear in his list of people chosen to survey the affected areas. I will write a letter to the DM regarding this matter and all those who read this comment are requested to do the same. In the meanwhile keep-on-blogging and we shall overcome someday.
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