I represented STH at a 3 day (29Jul-31Jul2009), Disaster Management capsule course conducted by NEPA (Umsaw, Shillong, Meghalaya) for police officers of the 8 NE states. The invitation was made by Director NEPA, Shri RR Verma (IPS) at the behest of Shri KM Singh, Member NDMA.
My talk was on "Landslide Prevention and Mitigation" and was well received by the 35 odd students who consisted of 18 police officers of the rank of Superindents/ Commandants and another 15 ab-initio trainees.
The other speakers included Shri KM Singh and Shri JK Sinha, both Members of the NDMA, officers of the National Disaster Response Force, a retired IG of Police and a scientist of the GeoHazard Society, Delhi.
Comment by Praful Rao
Raising awareness about landslide hazards is one of the primary roles of STH and the police force does have a pivotal role to play in any natural disaster, as such it was most apt that police officers should attend such a course.
My thanks to Shri KM Singh, Member NDMA for suggesting STH to NEPA, and also to Shri RR Verma (IPS), Director NEPA for the invitation.
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